Get the private NCO leadership training, tools and trusted support you need, so you can take your career and life to the next level!


Introducing the NCO's on Fire! Membership Program!

Our program is designed for you! A high achieving NCO who wants to level-up your career, access advanced tools, training and resources... all while gaining the accountability, support, and encouragement through a community of like-minded non-commissioned officers.  SPC (P), CPL, SGT, SSG, SFC, MSG and SGM are eligible to join our exclusive cohort!

Three challenges Army NCO's face.
Can you relate? Let us help...

NO time to support and lead your Soldiers the best way?

The NCO's On Fire! Membership supports you with ongoing and regularly updated tools and resources. This helps you save time and reduce frustration, so you can focus more on leading your soldiers more consistently. Time is finite and we help you find more of it, so you can do more of what you desire!

NO ongoing leadership development between NCOES schooling?

The NCO's On Fire! Membership provides new monthly trainings and masterclasses on timely leadership topics that keep you moving forward and growing as a leader of purpose and consequence. We also take requests on the training you'd most like to see!

NO active community of like-minded NCO's to collaborate with?

This is the magic of the NCO's On Fire! Membership. NCO's need a community of like-minded leaders to connect with and exchange ideas. In our distraction-free virtual community, you'll have access to a geographically diverse group of NCO peers seeking perspective, offering advice, and answering questions. This supportive group of NCO leaders help each other out and have each others back!


Get inside and start taking your Army NCO career and life to the next level!

Are You In?

Here's My $1.00, Let Me In Now!

I'm Steven Foust...

I served 13-years on active duty in the United States Army. After leaving Active Duty, I joined the Army Reserve and completed an additional 8 years in multiple leadership roles before retiring with more than 20-years of total service.

As a former NCO that climbed the ranks like you (PVT to SFC in my case) then transitioned to the Warrant Officer Corps (CW3), I've seen first hand the struggles of finding the support and resources I needed and when I most needed them, so I could create the Army career I wanted.

One HUGE problem I faced was my struggle to find other NCO's who shared similar challenges, had similar goals, also ambitious about their career, and were passionate about balancing career and family.

My solution came after spending huge amounts of time figuring out how to identify and connect with other NCO's who understood my challenges and were on a similar journey themselves.

Once I discovered other NCO's like me, we created a tightly knitted group that supported each other through thick and thin. The accountability, support, and encouragement we shared provided each of us with additional momentum and confidence to overcome challenges. We could not have accomplished on our own.

Providing this same opportunity to NCO's like you is my passion and our membership makes it possible for you to experience the power of peers in a controlled and safe environment. The additional benefit of tools, resources, ongoing training, and LIVE events take it to the next level!

I now reside in beautiful Chandler, Arizona with my wife, Nadia and our two boys. My diverse military service plus more that 20-years of senior corporate leadership experience have been invaluable to me and I'm always looking for new ways to share my experiences with NCO leaders just like you!

I have walked in your shoes and faced the very same challenges. I guide you down a path of even bigger leadership successes and help you pour fuel on your Army career, life balance, and beyond.

Try 30-Days for 100 Pennies!

Benefits of Membership:

✔️  Support and encouragement from like-minded NCO members, committed to investing in their growth and development

✔️  Crystal Clarity on what to do and how to do it... in every NCO leadership situation

✔️  NCO member base of diverse MOS backgrounds, experience levels, and geographies. You get deep perspective, ideas, and support you can't find anywhere else

✔️  Ongoing leadership training that fills the gap between formal NCOES schooling, so you keep your career fresh and moving forward

✔️  Access to NCO tools and resources that save you time and reduce stress

✔️  Monthly Live Zoom calls for you to get real-time support and answers to all of your questions

✔️  Our members-only content library continues to grow in value each and every month!


Get inside and start taking your Army NCO career and life to the next level!

Are You In?

Here's My Dollar, Now Let Me In!

Our Mission to Serve You Starts Here!

Our four-point success path helps you maximize your potential, accelerate your career, and return balance to your life.

  1. Community, community, community! Our community of peer NCO's support each other like nowhere else, all in a private, simple, and distraction-free virtual environment
  2. Tools and resources that save you time and help you lead your soldiers more effectively
  3. New content added each month, such as leadership training, topical masterclasses, and other tools/resources
  4. Monthly LIVE member calls via Zoom, all recorded and posted inside the membership community
  5. Access to our growing membership content and community of NCO leaders 24 X 7 X 365. When you most want it and based on your career and family priorities
Experience Our 30-Day Full Trial For $1.00

Frequently Asked Questions


Get inside and start taking your Army NCO career and life to the next level!

Are You In?

Here's My $1.00, Let Me In Now!